Friday, February 16, 2007

House Passes Resolution Opposing Bush's Plan to Send More Troops to Iraq

I think this says it all doesn't it?
The Democrat party has officially declared they are against our military and DO NOT support them. HOW can you say you support our troops and even pass a toothless resolution like this that will only embolden our enemies that our MEN AND WOMEN are fighting over in Iraq. Notice I said MEN AND WOMEN not our children, not our boys and girls. Our president has sent over men and women that volunteered for military service, they weren't drafted, they enlisted willingly knowing that someday they may be called to protect our country.
Remember, that just 2 years ago the democrats were calling to raise our troop levels, and now that the president has done that, they are screaming about it. They are a party of obstructionists, and only care about remaining in power. Our founding fathers would be absolutely stunned to see what has happened to the brilliant system of government they have designed.
For a resolution to even come up like this is disgusting. The democrat party is made up of mostly far left leaning, america hating, moonbats. just watch c-span sometime and watch their speeches on the floor of the house and senate if you need any convincing.
It's also good for a laugh. It's pretty pathetic to think of the salaries these people get, and don't even pay income tax on. Explain that one to me. But that is a topic for another rant!

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